Fallout shelter for chromebook fallout shelter online
Fallout shelter for chromebook fallout shelter online

fallout shelter for chromebook fallout shelter online

Try out different combinations to find an optimal roster with the best “Bond” synergies for ultimate effectiveness. Your Vault only has so much room so you’ll have to be clever with how you pick and choose the people who enter your home. Do battle with iconic Fallout monsters, including Deathclaws and Super Mutants, and explore familiar locations, like Diamond City. Prepare to go on a crazy adventure through a post-apocalyptic future wasteland in search of your Vault’s last Overseer. Play Fallout Shelter Online on PC and meet tons of your favorite characters from the Fallout series and recruit them to your Vault or send them on their merry way. Fallout Shelter Online expands the addictive Vault and person management gameplay of the original Fallout Shelter, taking the challenging strategy game online! You control every aspect of your Vault decide you can come in and who can leave, assign individuals to different sectors, and prepare intrepid Vault dwellers to explore the dangerous wastelands outside of your thick walls.

Fallout shelter for chromebook fallout shelter online